Photography Time Lapse Calculator & Solar Power Calculator | GoPro Power Consumption Calculator

The CamDo time lapse calculator helps you plan your time lapse project with our UpBlink, BlinkX or Blink controllers for GoPro or as a guide for other cameras. It also lets you work out how long an external battery will last using our solar panels/enclosure. Simply enter the answers to a few questions to work out what you need. There are 3 main areas to consider:

  1. Project Length & Shoot/Clip details
  2. SD card/memory requirements
  3. Power requirements (external battery and/or solar power options)

Watch the following video for instructions on how to use the calculator. If you want to dive straight in, just scroll down.


Numbers in boxes can be changed. The outputs will be recalculated based on the new value entered.

If you have any questions, just click on the help icon for extra help along the way.

The first step is to enter the project length, how often photos are to be taken and from that understand the final clip length. Video clips can also be calculated however only photo qty's are used to calculate the final video clip length.

alarmProject Length

How long is the shoot?

Enter the number of shooting days. This will be used to help calculate the number of shots to be taken and associated memory requirements. 67 days is the equivalent of 3 months, shooting Monday to Friday.

days per week



How many hours/day is the shoot?

Enter the number of hours per day actually shooting. Along with the number of days/weeks this will be used to help calculate the number of shots to be taken and associated power and memory requirements.

hours per day

What time interval between shots/video clips?

Enter the time (in minutes) between shots. This will be used to help calculate the number of shots to be taken and associated power and memory requirements.

Note: The GoPro camera can only shoot time lapse intervals of 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 and 60 second intervals.

If you want to shoot for an interval longer than 60 seconds, you will need to use the CamDo UpBlink, BlinkX or Blink time lapse controller.


A typical interval for a construction time lapse could be every 10 or 15 minutes.


Video only: how long is each video clip taken?

UpBlink, BlinkX or Blink time lapse controllers allow you to take a video clip at each interval (rather than a photo). Enter the length of time (in seconds) of each video clip to be taken. This will be used to help calculate the battery life further down.


movieShoot/Clip details

Finished video clip length

If you have a target length, input it here. If you are just trying to capture an event and are not sure about this, then just leave the default. The calculation will update this result based on the other inputs to the calculator.



Expected frame rate for final clip

This is typically between 24 frames per second (fps) and 30 fps. If you are unsure leave it as 30 fps.


Shoot Summary (photos only)

Based on the input data:

  • shots per day will be taken.
  • frames will be taken over the shoot.
  • This will result in a clip length of seconds at frames per second.
  • The total record time is hours.
  • Capture rate required: mins ( secs) between shots.
Shoot Summary (video capture only)
  • minutes of video per day will be taken.
  • hours will be taken over the shoot.

sd_storageSD Card Memory Requirements

Now that we know frames will be taken over the shoot, let's work out what size memory/SD card is needed.

If you are calculating video, please select your camera from the next section.

NOTE: Video bit rates change significantly depending on scene complexity. The values quoted here could change by +/- 30%. Please make sure to run video memory tests on the scene you intend to capture to validate.

Average image size?

NOTE: If you are unsure, keep the default of 5MB per photo for GoPros.Average photo size can vary greatly depending on the scene. It is important to take a couple of photos of the scene you are shooting with the actual camera intended to be used and review the image size. Scene complexity can mean for a full size image, image size can range from 3MB to 6MB per photo.

The reason is that GoPro is not consistent on compression parameters from one version of the firmware to the next. A Hero 3+ Black purchased in October 2013 (and not updated) has jpeg compression set to 93%. A Hero 3+ Black purchased in November 2013 comes with a 98% jpeg compression ratio. The exact same shot is 1.8MB on the first camera and 4.2MB on the second camera. This would not have been expected.
The complexity of the scene also makes a difference, so please take some test shots and check the average image size.

SD Card Size

Select your SD card size. The calculator will then tell you how long the card will last. Regardless, please check your installation as often as possible.

SD Card Summary (photos only)

The selected SD card will hold up to days of shots or photos, assuming 90% of capacity is considered full for this analysis.

SD Card Summary (videos only)

The selected SD card will hold up to days of video or minutes, assuming 90% of capacity is considered full for this analysis.

Regardless of how many days of shooting the card can hold, we recommend backing up the images and clearing the card as often as practical to avoid losing shots if something goes wrong. Or use UpBlink to upload images to CloudX.

powerPower Requirements

Let's work out how much power you need for the project. If you need solar power, this will be calculated in the next section.

Using a CamDo scheduler/controller?

NOTE: If you are just using the inbuilt time lapse function of the GoPro camera, select 'No Scheduler'.

Why would you use a CamDo Scheduler/Controller?

  • So you can schedule when to start and stop your shoot. eg 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, etc.
  • To save power (see power options below).
  • To schedule longer intervals eg once every 30 mins for a construction time lapse. Note: The GoPro camera can only shoot time lapse intervals of 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 and 60 second intervals.

    For intervals longer than 60 seconds, use our UpBlink, BlinkX or Blink time lapse controller.

  • Note that for cycle times less than 30 seconds, there is little advantage to turning the camera on and off each time. At 15 seconds, there is no advantage. In that case, use Blink/BlinkX to turn the camera on for the hours of shooting and set the camera to take time lapse photos at the desired rate instead of stills.

Warning! You have selected a camera on time of less than 24 hours a day without using a UpBlink, BlinkX or Blink controller. If you are not using a scheduler/controller, you need to adjust your shoot time to 24 hours/day as the camera will be permanently on!

For cycle times less than 30 seconds, there is little advantage to turning the camera on and off each time. At 15 seconds, there is no advantage. In that case, use a UpBlink, BlinkX or Blink to turn the camera on for the hours of shooting and set the camera to take time lapse photos at the desired rate instead of stills.

Select camera mode

Select your type of camera below. This will be used to calculate the power requirements. If you are using UpBlink, please choose whether you are uploading or not uploading to CloudX.

Select internal battery

Select the internal battery associated with your selected camera above. We recommend removing the internal battery when using UpBlink, BlinkX or Blink. In this instance, select 'No internal battery'.

Select external battery

CamDo offers SolarX a solar power enclosure option, and DryX a non-solar enclosure option:

  • A 9W solar system complete with 1 x V44 battery.
  • An 18W solar system (our standard 9W system with an extra 9W panel) complete with 1 x V44 battery.
  • A DryX outdoor enclosure to house the camera and optional batteries (no solar).
  • If you are a previous customer of CamDo you might own our legacy 6W solar system with 1 x V15 battery. This is no longer sold but you can still use the calculator to work out your next shoot using our legacy equipment.

Extra batteries can also be purchased for extra 'ride-through' time, with typical combinations available in the drop-down box. eg if you buy the 9W/V44 solar system, and add another V44 battery for extra backup, select the "2 x V44 (88Wh)" option below.

If you are not using solar then choose the battery combination that meets your site visit frequency, by checking the "Battery Summary" to the right.

Are you uploading images(UpBlink only)?

If you are using UpBlink then it is likely you are uploading to CloudX or an FTP server.

Select if you are using WiFi to upload or have a 3/4G hotspot plugged into UpBlink.

Select "No" is using any other product (including BlinkX email notifications via CloudX Lite).

Frequency of upload?

Select if you are uploading per photo interval or once per day.

  • A maximum upload time of 10 minutes is assumed if uploading once per day.
  • A maximum upload time of 2 minutes is assumed if uploading every interval.
  • The calculator does not calculate upload of video.

Battery Summary

Photos only: The battery combination should last approximately days.

Warning: Video power calculations are only supported for H4 cameras and later.

Videos only: The battery combination should last approximately days.

  • Internal: Wh
  • External: Wh
Camera ON (photos only)
  • Power use: Watts
  • ON time per day: hours.
  • Energy needed: Wh
Camera OFF (photos only)
  • Power use: Watts
  • OFF time per day: hours.
  • Energy needed: Wh

Approx. energy required per day (photos only): Wh

Camera ON (videos only)
  • Power use: Watts
  • ON time per day: hours.
  • Energy needed: Wh
Camera OFF (videos only)
  • Power use: Watts
  • OFF time per day: hours.
  • Energy needed: Wh

Approx. energy required per day (videos only): Wh

Test the actual hardware extensively before deploying it. Do not rely on theoretical calculations alone!

Battery Notes

The power calculations are based on the CamDo comparative study of GoPro Camera Power Consumption by Model and information published by GoPro here.

When using UpBlink, BlinkX or Blink a camera ON time of 15 seconds is assumed for each shot with HERO4 cameras and older. HERO5 cameras take a little longer so a 25 second camera ON time per shot is used.

Remember that the battery energy available will be significantly reduced if the temperature is lower or higher than normal room temperature. There is also a leakage loss that reduces the battery life if you expect it to last weeks or longer.

Actual Test. An actual test of the Hero 3+ Black using the intervalometer to shoot one photo per hour, 24 hours a day, managed 21 days for a total of 504 photos before stopping. The photos took 1.5MB on the SD card. This is 4 days less than predicted, but very acceptable performance.

wb_sunnySolar Panels

If you don't have permanent power available, let's work out the right solar panel for the project.

It is necessary to establish the energy of the sunlight at your location at the time of year for your project. Use the Solar Irradiance Calculator to look-up the energy available based on your location. Enter the actual direction the solar panel faces, or use the optimal direction if you plan on orienting it in the best direction. If the panel will be in the shade for a portion of the day, reduce the energy figure accordingly. Enter the figure found in the Solar Irradiance box below. Then we can select a Solar Panel.

Solar Irradiance

The strength of sunlight can vary significantly around the world. Use the calculator linked above to work it out for your location. Enter the lowest figure for your location to be conservative.


Now select a solar panel option to see how long it takes to charge your selected battery configuration.

Select Solar Panel

Choose from the following options:

  • Our standard solar pack - a 9W solar panel.
  • Our standard solar pack upgraded to 18W - 2 x 9W solar panels.
  • Our legacy solar pack (no longer for sale) - a 6W solar panel.

If you are are in an area where the weather is consistently cloudy or rainy then you might consider extra batteries.

Extra batteries provide extra 'ride-through' time - see the battery dropdown selection in the previous section.

Typical Numbers

Here are some typical numbers from the Solar Irradiance Calculator, facing South.

  • San Francisco, CA
    • Summer: 6.89, Winter: 2.17
  • San Antonio, TX
    • Summer: 6.54, Winter: 2.71
  • New York City, NY
    • Summer: 6.04, Winter: 1.72

As can be seen the numbers vary wildly, so it's important to use the Solar Irradiance Calculator to input the correct data.

Solar Summary

Energy generated on a sunny day by the selected size of panel: Wh.

Full sun days needed to charge the battery: days.

Cloudy days ride-through by the batteries if they were fully charged: days.

playlist_add_checkRecommended Products

Based on the calculations and inputs above, the following CamDo products are recommended.

shopping_cartPurchasing Equipment and More Information

Visit the following pages to purchase the recommended equipment for your application. We also have some great resources on our site if you would like to learn more about the nuances of time lapse and the various considerations, including in-depth information covering all the basics and advanced topics that you can review if you are interested in the detail.

bookmarkSave for Later

So that you can come back later and not lose your settings, copy the following link somewhere or click on the following link and make a bookmark.

These details are automatically copied into the Contact form below, so we know the details of your current project calculations.


NOTE:This calculator is intended to be a guide to the thinking necessary for preparation of a solar powered time lapse installation. It is up to the user to check the accuracy and suitability of any calculations for their particular need. Please report any errors to us as you find them. Good engineering practice is to design the system for the worst case scenario and to build in a buffer for inefficiencies in the system. The calculator is focused on GoPro cameras but can be used for other cameras.

bookmarkStill Need Help? Contact Us Below

We are always happy to help, please fill in the form below. The "Calculation Details" field will auto-populate as soon as you start using the calculator above.

